Blog Archives

WD-WTF: The Muppet Mentality

Today’s edition of WD-WTF isn’t exactly horse related.  But it’ll make you go “What the Fraggle Rock?!” – or at least I did.

The Muppets have a political agenda!

I knew it.  I knew it all along.  Kermit’s been biding his time, since 1976, and now with a shaky economy and a number of other reasons for political unrest, he’s ready to pounce!

Are you Fraggle Rocking kidding me?  The Muppet movie is brainwashing pre-schoolers against corporate America?  Well damn, there goes their major buying segment.  Clearly the oil industry is going to go bankrupt now because the Muppet movie made a villain of Tex Richman.  I know what you’re going to say: But won’t these kids grow up, receive education and make their own informed decisions long after they’ve forgotten about the Muppet movie?

The answer is a resounding, “no”.

Kids being exposed to this sort of political agenda in their formative years are screwed.  The Muppet movie has preprogrammed them to hate corporate America.  I suspect subliminal messaging was involved.  Wait a second,I watched the Muppet movie! Oh noes! Am I brainwashed too?  I mean, I didn’t see the movie when I was 5 but I do have the emotional maturity of a 5 year old…

It’s our duty (hahaha doody), as adults, to protect the younguns from baseless, negative propaganda such as what is being spouted by the Muppets.

How.  Dare.  They.

WD-WTF: It’s just a little gear!

I don’t think I could yell as loud as the gear that is on this horse’s face.

Maybe it’s my own prejudice, but that horse looks incredibly sad.