Email Subscription updated

For all y’all that had subscribed to Snarky Rider before we switched off WordPress hosting, I thought I’d throw up a quick post to let you know I have (finally) figured out how to enable subscriptions once again with the new hosting!  Please visit, check out the right sidebar and sign up for email subscriptions!  Pretty please? Me love you long time? 😉

Ow my legs… and a few other posts

Yup, forgot to “post” here soooo here’s to catch y’all up 🙂

Ow my legs

Hates banana smells… don’t we all

MiniSnark: Jump Standards or Chairs

What do Starbucks, my ankle and Chubby Checker have in common?

Really Really Really Bum HIGH!

I really hope these links are working! I’m trying to get a new email subscription service up on the website!

Buck Buck Buck GOOSE!

No idea if this will work for you guys, but here is the link to today’s post!


Disco. Disco Duck

Hello subscribers! My apologies for not sending this out this morning.  🙂

Check out Discotheque, the beautiful 3 year old Lusitano stallion with babies on the ground and an owner who has graciously helped to remind us all that grammar is important in business – and that even the horse world needs some business sense.


Hola Subscribers!

It looks like, since we’ve moved the hosting of the blog off of wordpress, the subscription service no longer works.  I’m looking into getting a new one set up and until then (now that I know this) will continue to post links here so you still get your daily snarky on 😉  Sorry for the inconvenience!  I’ll keep y’all posted! 😀

For today’s dose of snark, check out Home, home on the rangeeeee

Studly von Ugliness

Top ten things wrong with this ad:

“Blazer is a quarter horse stud.. he is a well behaved horse for being a stud.  we have to get rid of him because my daughter got a gelding pony and the stud will not get along with him.  if you have a female horse that you want bred he would be a beutiful one to breed to.  He is about 4 years old. he does not like trailers very well but will load  and he will stand good to get brushed and petted. anyone interested please call”

10. His name is Blazer.  Is he a member of the Purple Cobras? NO! Get a new name!

(I know, this really has nothing to do with the horse but I feel quite strongly about Dodgeball – the movie, not the game).

9.  “he is a well behaved horse for being a stud” – are you frakking kidding me? I know you need to take more precaustions around stallions but, and feel free to call me crazy, I don’t think they should have special stallion rules.  As in, “oh it’s ok that he tries to bite you, he’s a stallion” -or shit like that.  Manners are manners! Gelding, stallion, or big yellow school bus.  <-topically unrelated but the bus knows what it did, oh, it knows.

8.  They’re getting “rid” of him because they bought their daughter a gelding.  WHAT DID YOU THINK WOULD HAPPEN?!  They’d hold hooves and skip?  WHY did you not plan for the very likely eventuality that the stallion wouldn’t like another horse?  Or, at this point should we just be thanking Grilled Cheesus that you didn’t buy a mare and throw her in with the stud?

7.  “he would be a beutiful one to breed to” – first of all: NO.  Second of all: Hells no! Good gawd that horse is fugly and doesn’t deserve to keep his manberries.

7.5.  What does breeding him have to do with selling him? Which is it? Make up your minds!

6. Why don’t you know how old your horse is? In what scenario would a responsible horse owner not know the age of their horse?  -ok, aside from getting one from a rescue.  But then that begs the question what kind of rescue adopts out an intact stallion?  Which opens up a whole other can of worms.

5.  How is “he doesn’t like to trailer” a selling point? Before telling me that the horse doesn’t have a basic, marketable, skill, why don’t you toss out your guess of how tall he is?  I’d bet good (and bad) money that they haven’t bothered to stick this horse.

4.  OH THANK GAWD HE STANDS TO BE BRUSHED!  I was at a show just the other weekend and my horse wouldn’t stand still for our Stand Still And Be Brushed class – and let me tell you, I was mortified.  Mortified!

3.  Does it look to anyone else like his neck is too short to reach the grass without him bending his knees like a foal would?

2.  Now, that first picture isn’t the best conformation shot I’ve ever seen but his hind legs look nice and straight and posty – good qualities, right? No? They’re not? But then why do they seem to be winning in the halter world?  We could go fishing with all these cans of worms I’m opening 😉

And now, the number one wrong-oooo of this ad?

1.  Everything.  Absolutely everything.

MiniSnark: Cdn STB foals being euth’d?!

Sorry, this was JUST sent to me and I’m at work.  Will be looking into it!!!!!  If you see/hear anything on this, please let me know ASAP.

Wiffle bats: Not just for school gym class anymore

Well, I was FINALLY going to comment about that video that has been making the rounds recently.  The one where trainer Cyndi Plasch is trying to load her horse after a show and beats it with a wiffle bat?  People come over, presumably trying to help, and flap their arms at the horse to encourage it to load.  All the while, someone is videotaping this inordinate amount of stupidity.

I know you’re all going to expect me to go after the person beating the horse the wiffle bat – and believe you me, she deserves it, but I do so hate to be predictable and honestly feel that given the virality of the video, maybe my comments aren’t required.  However, what I am concerned about is the person standing around taking the video.  The one that recognized something bad was happening, that something needed to be done about it, and proceeded to passively condone the abusers actions by allowing the behavior to continue without even trying to stop it.

Why did NO ONE step in and take the wiffle bat from her!?  Oh wait, people did step in… and waived their arms around like it was greenhorn cattle drive!

There are certainly times when it is better to video and not risk your own health and safety – I get that, more so than most.  However, in a crowded area, in broad daylight, the risk was greatly reduced.  What could your justification be for NOT stepping in?  I’m sorry, but I just can’t imagine a scenario where they couldn’t have at least gone over there and said “hey, stop that” in a stern tone.  I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea to get up in someone else’s grill, but I just cannot comprehend a situation wherein you can idly stand by.  -that’s most likely a statement on me and my understanding of human nature because I can tell you right now that I have next to none (understanding that is, I have some human nature).

For an update on this story and a few more details, check out this article. BTW this article contains the videographers defense as to why she chose to videotape rather than help the horse.  To sum up: it was for the greater good.

MiniSnark: Giraffoal

Or should that be girawful?  That poor baby! That neck looks like it belongs on a full grown horse!  -alright, that’s a slight exaggeration, but still.  That ain’t no baby neck!